When selecting a commercial fridge for your business there are many different things to consider. Unlike domestic fridges, commercial fridges and freezers are large and designed to store large quantities of food. They also use more energy and are designed to be durable and able to meet the demands of a commercial kitchen.
In addition, strict health and safety laws dictate that foods need to be stored at certain temperatures, and most domestic fridges and freezers are unable to reach these low temperatures. Commercial fridges and freezers are engineered to reach very low temperatures and remain energy efficient.
If you’re planning on purchasing commercial fridges or freezers, the first thing to do is consult a supplier. They’ll be able to give you information about different brands and types of fridges and freezers. Plus, they will be able to present detailed information about varying models allowing you to make an intelligent decision for your business.
If you already have the necessary information and have chosen the right commercial fridge and freezer for your business, the next step is to decide the best location to install them. You need to think about the set out of your business, as the location of these machines should be easily accessible for stocking and if needed, customer use.
Adequate lighting is another thing to consider. Although these fridges and freezers come with anin-built lighting system, it’s still a great idea to provide proper lighting in the area.
Fortunately, for easy maintenance, most commercial fridges and freezers are made from stainless steel; this makes them very easy to clean.The size of the fridge or freezer also needs to be taken into account; purchase one that gives you enough space for what you need, but buying one that is too large is impractical and a waste of money.
Also, if you’d like to see items within your fridge and freezer without having to open the door, consider machines with glass doors. These are good for customers as well as stock taking.
This covers the basics you needto consider when planning to buy commercial fridges or freezers. In addition, when purchasing a commercial fridge for your business ensure it’s from a trusted supplier. These suppliers deliver, install (often free of charge) and will also perform maintenance checks according to the product warranty they’ve provided. So for peace of mind make sure you buy from a reputable and trusted supplier.
Now you’re ready to go out into the market and search for a commercial fridge and freezer that perfectly suits the needs of your business. Knowing what to look for will make a big difference and will enable you to save money and improve your business. However if you feel you need more detailed information, contact us.