Worldwide Vending

Order Details

Order Type:
Prefered Delivery Date:
Representative Name:
Representative Email:
Representative Contact Number:
Representative Account Number:
Site Name:
Site Address: ,

Site Contact Name:
Site Phone Number:
Site Mobile Number:
Site Email Address:
I acknowledge both landline and mobile phone numbers are required. If the driver cannot communicate with the store contacts on the numbers provided 1 hour to delivery, the delivery will be aborted and charges will apply.

Fridge Order

Double Door Fridge:
Large Single Door Fridge:
Small Single Door Fridge:
Something else:
Equipment Preference:

Site Details

Open Time:
Close TIme:
Enterence Size: H x W
Loading Zone:
Site Photo:

It is agreed that Worldwide Refrigeration Rentals Pty Ltd (Company) will hire to the Hirer the following refrigeration equipment subject to the following terms and conditions:

  1. The refrigeration equipment remains the property of the Company and shall remain at the Hirer's business premises. The Hirer shall ensure that the Company and its employees, agents, representatives and other persons acting lawfully or under authorisation through or on behalf of the Company shall have access to the refrigeration equipment at all reasonable times and in the case of emergency (the decision in respect of which shall be in the reasonable opinion of the Company).
  2. The Company will keep the refrigeration equipment in good repair by servicing, repairing or replacing the refrigerator during the rental period. The Company will not accept any charges for any work carried out on the refrigeration equipment which has not been authorised by it.
  3. The Company shall not be responsible for any loss or damage caused to the Hirer or to any other person company or firm if the refrigeration equipment does not function at any time.
  4. The Hirer shall hold the refrigeration equipment on behalf of the Company and shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure that the refrigeration equipment is kept clean not damaged defaced misused or used for any other purposes other than the refrigeration of goods normally kept refrigerated.
  5. The Hirer shall place the refrigerator on a business insurance policy to cover all insurable risks including, theft, fire, flood, broken glass and cabinet damage.
  6. The Company acknowledges that the Hirer will enter into an agreement with the Distributor, for the supply of a refrigerator and that the Distributor, on behalf of the Hirer, shall pay the monthly rent to the Company including any refrigeration movement costs to and from the site.
  7. The monthly rent is paid by the Distributor and the term that the refrigerator will be hired is on a month to month basis. The Distributor will undertake a regular review of each refrigerator and can have the unit removed if the Hirer fails to purchase sufficient product as per the supply agreement.

I have seen the premises and believe that the information provided on this form to be true and correct and that the fridge I have selected will be suitable for the stated premises. I acknowledge that there will be additional freight charges for a nonstandard delivery.

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